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Happy Introductions

I thought I'd better start my blog with an introduction, who I am, what I do and how I got here... otherwise, you may be wondering - who is this chick?

So, let me start briefly... I am a fully qualified Personal Trainer, Massage Therapist and Reiki Practitioner.

After becoming ill with Endometriosis 3 years ago, I set out on a mission to understand the bigger picture into health, beyond the pill popping and misinformation.

For anyone who doesn't know what that is, it is an extremely painful menstrual condition that affects 174 million women world wide. It is where the lining of our womb grows outside of it where it shouldn't be, and therefore bleeds where it should't bleed every month - it can cause infertility, our organs to stick together, cysts, chronic pelvic and low back pain, fatigue, auto immune responses, depression and severe abdominal bloating.... Its aggressive, it's under researched, it's passed off as "normal" and it can take up to 10 years for a diagnosis in some women. (Ouch - right?)

I'd thought all those previous years that I was happy and healthy... but to have such an illness develop so aggressively and quickly, I couldn't have been further from the truth... Seriously, it was like, I hit 30 and shit just went downhill very quickly!

I knew I needed to do something, I knew was worth more than my corporate life and the fortnightly stabbing, horrendous pain I was now in every single month...

I knew deep down I was unhappy and unfulfilled and that something needed to change, I'd always been into Reiki and the emotional side of healing and I loved the gym, I just didn't see how it all worked properly to really put it into practice enough until my body decided it had enough of my crap and slapped me in the face with a vengeance..

Anyway, The easy thing was to stay put and carry on with the daily grind stone, and seriously for a long while, I did, I was in the mindset of good paying job, desperately trying to please and be put forward for that carrot of a promotion dangling in front of me, only to be consistently brought down to earth with a "someone was just that bit better, or, I thought you were really going to impress me but you didn't" speech... that hurt man, that hurt a lot. I used to take a lot of things personal...

Like working my arse off for my bonus and then being told I'd hit exceeding, not outstanding... I was always stressing for perfection because that was the job I was in and I WANTED people to see how good I was. I used to absorb peoples negativity and take it home as I managed their performance everyday, because they were likely in the same unhappy boat as me.

Example: I will never forget having to deal with the alcoholic who told me I was victimising him as I tried to offer him support when I was supposedly the ultimate responsible leader in my role and of course, I know how to deal with that right? Needless to say denial is a strange and painful emotion when people lash out at you... I will never forget the pain of sitting up at 10pm at night hoping to god he wasn't drinking himself into oblivion for me to have to deal with the next day.... I hope you are resting at peace now wherever you are.

Anyway, years and years of managing other people's expectations and putting that corporate face on because everything was about "perception" took its toll on me... Got me in trouble once or twice too. Not long after the death of my grandfather to a vicious cancer and a bloody awful break up (lucky escape there let me tell you) I thought, sod it - I'm doing what "I" want to do for a change, stuff everyone else, and guess what, that bit me in the arse too - my my what a shit ton of "perception" followed that little adventure let me tell you.. I was left feeling like I didn't know who I was, but all these people were telling me how to be...

Still, I didn't listen to any of the signs the universe was throwing at me to make me stop and take a moment to re-evaluate... Instead, I let the drama and the hurt seep in and I absorbed it all,

I took everything personal and thought I had to get that "perception" back to being the good little worker that wanted that promotion.... I even left the country for 5 months to sort my head out but came back to that all too familiar daily grindstone, until one day I got slammed with Endometriosis and something clicked.

I further realised after being turned down 3 more times for promotion that enough was enough. The universe clearly didn't want me on that path, impressing people for the sake of a grade no longer mattered any more - I knew what I was worth and I knew what my skills were...


Luckily, I have a good relationship with my boss, he's a pretty decent guy that I have a lot of respect for and working with him on this epiphany, allowed me to put my energy into bettering myself in holistic health and fitness to get MYSELF well first, so I could help others, all the while still working well in my corporate job.

Now, I get to use all of my corporate skills in dealing with people and projects in something where my heart is - and I cant thank my corporate life enough for the life experience, all of the weird and wonderful ethics aside, I am truly grateful as without any of it. I wouldn't be writing this to you on here.

Anyway, I could go on with endless stories, but to summarise my point...

We get so caught up in the routine and mundane of life, we forget to listen to our intuition and our bodies...

The easy thing would have been to accept that my illness was my new normal but..I didn't.

I got myself well... so well in fact, I'm healthier and more positive than I ever was before my illness, even though I still have Endometriosis, it does not define who I am, therefore it cannot bring me down.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't easy - and I've had some amazing mentors and friends to help teach and support me along the way, I am so grateful you are in my life - you know who you are :)

Now, I really want to do the same for you because I KNOW there are people out there who want more, who want change, but just don't know how to go about doing it.

I can show you how to strip everything back to basics and start to heal, I can teach you how to look after your waistline without fad diets and hunger, I can coach you to change your life.

Why? Because first hand on my heart, I have done it, in my body and my life.

You ARE enough - I promise x

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